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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Mom's Potato Candy

1 medium potato, boiled whole with skin
1 box powdered sugar
Peanut butter, smooth or chunky

Boil medium potato, peel while warm, and mash. Add powdered sugar, mixing until “dough” is stiff. Mixture will be wet at first, so just keep adding sugar until it is stiff enough to roll out on waxed paper coated with powdered sugar. Spread with peanut butter, and roll up like jelly roll by hand. Slice and lay flat on platter. Let sit for a few minutes, and then put in tin with waxed paper between layers. This is an old Southern candy recipe. My wonderful mother-in-law made this candy every Christmas, and it was a family favorite. When we "kids" moved away and had families of our own, she always included it in our Christmas boxes. Great memories of a great lady!


  1. You have the best family recipes! What great memories that must have for you. xxoo

  2. Thanks, Kitty. I'll bet your babies would like this!
